This is one long title.
Elizavecca Milky Piggy Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask.
Frankly speaking, I have NO idea how to pronounce it's brand name. Koreans always have some weird brand names going on, wonder how they got their idea from.
Like all other korean products, they always have cute packaging and in this case, graphics. They do know cute and interesting looking products sells really well because that's what females attracted to. There is ZERO english (beside the title) instruction given so the graphic helps a lot.
It comes in a plastic bottle with screw on lid. Once open, there's a protection layer and a spatula. This spatula is not like other regular spatula that I've seen. It has a triangle tip and I presume they designed it this way because it can cover more surface area than a regular ones

I have seen reviews saying this can be a deep cleansing makeup remover and pore cleanser. I do believe this can be a pore cleanser as I can tell one of the ingredient must be charcoal due to the colour of the product but not so sure about it being a makeup remover.
Charcoal have purify properties, it can help to fight against acnes, deep cleansing and also able to refine and tighten pores. Since I can't read korean so I googled for it's other ingredients. These are the few main ingredients; green tea extract, aloe vera extract, matcha powder, charcoal powder, pomegranate extract and peony root extract. Don't worry, I will tell you guys the properties of these ingredients.
Green Tea Extract: Anti-aging, Antioxidants, Protection from skin cancer, Anti-inflammation
Aloe Vera Extract: Adaptogen, Analgesic, Astringent, Anti-inflammation, Anti-aging, Moisturize
Match Powder: Antioxidants, Anti-aging, Chlorophyll
Charcoal Powder: Reduce acnes, Whitening, Anti-aging, Oxygenation
Pomegranate Extract:Cellular regeneration, Antioxidants, Moisturzer, Exfoliating
Peony Root Extract: Antioxidants, Anti-inflammation, Tonifying and firming the epidermis
Unlike any other clay mask, this did not harden up. Less mess is occur which I like. Once you applied it, you have to work fast. Bubbles will starts to foam once it contact with the air. Suggest not to put so much on the top lip as you do not want to inhale the chemical bubbles. I do find that the spatula is harder to use on the centre of the eyes. Once the mask turn into a lighter grey, this is when the endurance test comes. It will be ticklish due the bubbles moving about on the face. You can hear the bubbles popping and moving. Bubbles will foam and thicken after sometime, I had fun poking it afterwards. It is recommend to massage for about a couple of minutes before washing it off.
While washing off, it feel slimy. I guess it turned into another texture due to contact with the water. I aid the help of makeup remover cloth in removing the mask. My face feels smoother, cleaner and clearer afterwards. I can feel that my skin is pulling especially areas on the cheek and it doesn't completely strip off my moisture unlike other clay mask.
Since it is an inexpensive product I do recommend people to buy and try out this product at least once. It will be fun for girl's night. Or maybe you can prank your boyfriend with it and see his reaction when bubbles foam.
Malaysian Friends:
RM49 100ml
RM49 100ml
Singaporean Friends:
SGD$16.90 100ml
SGD$16.90 100ml
USA Friends:
$11USD 100ml
$11USD 100ml
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